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Trippiest Portal Fall, ever

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Trippiest Portal Fall, ever Empty Trippiest Portal Fall, ever

Post by xX WormBoy Xx Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:50 pm

This will be somewhat of a tutorial.
What you need:
1 Gaming console that plays Portal 2
2 controllers
1 Copy of Portal 2
(If you are online, play Co-Op with a friend)

1)Load up Chamber 1-1 in Co-op mode.
2) In the first area, (where there is a large amount of white floor and ceiling) Make an infinite loop. (For this example, Purple on bottom, Blue on top)
3) Have Player 2 make an identical infinite loop right next to Player 1's (Orange on Bottom, Red on top)
4) Have Player 1 shoot his Blue portal on top of Player 2's Red portal.
5) Have Player 2 shoot his Red Portal where Player 1's Blue portal used to be.
6) Time your falls so you do an infinite loop together
7) Be completely disoriented as you see 50 clones of yourself and your co-op partner floating in the same infinite loop as you.

xX WormBoy Xx

Posts : 4
Age : 28
Location : Wisconsin
Country : Trippiest Portal Fall, ever Flag_u12
Joined : 2011-06-20

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