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Chatbox commands (For moderators)

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Changing Colors Chatbox commands (For moderators)

Post by bob8972 Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:22 am

Here is all the commands for the chatbox.

/clear Delete the messages from the Chatbox

/cls Same as the '/clear' command

/ban Ban a member from the Chatbox. This command must be followed by the username to ban. (ex: /ban username). Once the user is banned, he won't see neither have access to the Chatbox.

/unban To unban a user from the Chatbox. Its use is identical to banishment (ex: /unban nickname)

/me In the beginning of a sentence, this command will be replaced by your username (ex: /me eats a delicious pizza" will display "Nickname eats a delicious pizza")

/kick Disconnect a member from the Chatbox. The command must be followed by the username to disconnect (ex: /kick username). Disconnecting a user won't prevent him from reconnecting.

/exit Disconnect from the Chatbox. You can also precise the reason that will be visible for all members connected (ex: /exit reason)

/abs Send a message noticing that you're absent. You can add a reason that will be displayed in the message and visible by all members connected to the Chatbox (ex: /abs reason)

That's all of them.
Oh and if your a Moderator, do not kick or ban people for no reason.


Posts : 13266
Age : 29
Location : Louisiana
Job/Hobbies : Bagger at a shitty grocery store
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Name : James
Country : Chatbox commands (For moderators) Flag_u12
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Joined : 2008-02-08

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